Department Heads

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MATHEMATICS English Kiswahili Social Studies Religious Studies Science Music French Computer Sports


Mathematics is a key subject in many courses. Our Mathematics team should be commended for their tireless efforts, support, commitment, devotion, hard work and useful contribution.

Some of the activities that help us realize this objective is organizing Mathematics discussion group, Peer teaching and having a mathematics week every term. All these activities have made a remarkable improvement in the Maths KCSE performance since 2010 to date.

Mathematics is the key plank in implementation and accomplishment of vision 2030 because it can only be achieved when the young Kenyans get well educated. In this respect the teaching fraternity of Sunrise Children’s Garden School and especially in the Mathematics department is geared towards playing its role towards achieving this goal. The positive attitude of most students towards the subject has made teaching and learning interesting and more meaningful.

We pray God Almighty to continue showering us with his blessings as we count and name blessing one by one.

Head of Mathematics Department


English is the basic language of communication. It incorporates the acquisition of speaking and listening skills. We aim at enabling children to express themselves imaginatively. We view our key role as inspiring the learners and providing a suitable environment for developing their creativity. As an institution, we recognize that the teaching and learning of English is essential because:

>>It is the basic language of communication in our society. >>It is the foundation for almost all the learning which takes place in our school. >>Its mastery empowers the learner and is essential for independent learning and most aspects of everyday life.

The department focuses its activities on exploring skills in the afore-mentioned broad strands of reading, writing as well as listening and speaking. The mission of the Department is to provide a relaxed environment in which children are able to explore freely and achieve excellence in the development of their Literacy skills.

Head of English Department



Kiswahili ni somo ambalo lina umhimu mkubwa katika elimu ya mwanafunzi yeyote yule. Somo hili huchangia pakubwa katika kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutia fora katika elimu yake, na kupata alama za juu.

Hii ndiyo sababu, katika shule ya Sunrise, Idara ya Kisawhili imo mbioni kuhakikisha kwamba somo hili linapaata hadhi inyayostahili. Tumepiga hatua kubwa kuimarisha somo hili, katika kuwakuzisha wanafunzi nakulifanya liwe soma la kupendeza na kuvutia. Matokeo ya somo hili yamekuwa yakiimarika kila kuchao na tunaendelea kupiga msasa sehemu zote ili kuhakikisha zile changamoto ambazo wanafunzi wanakumbana nazo zimekabidhiwa vilivyo.

Mkuu wa Idara ya Kiswahili

Social Studies

From the social studies desk, I salute you all and I welcome you to SCGS. Social studies as a subject deals with physical geography and human history. It incorporates agriculture and core values of life. We can therefore conclude that the subject equips learners with life skills. In SGCS, social studies is taught using modern pedagogical methods that involves use of projectors. These new techniques make the subject easy and fun to lean as full colour illustrations make the topic under consideration easy to understand and interesting.

The subject is made livelier by using Atlas as a teaching tool, which provides pictures, maps and relevant information through the subject. Learners are modeled to become useful and resourceful future citizens who can take care of our environment.

Global warming which is an international disaster can be reduced through adherence to the guidelines is taught in social studies. Through the subject, learners also get theoretical and practical farming skills, therefore supporting agriculture which is a backbone to our economy.

Studying the history of African past and current leaders like Prof. Wangari Mathai, Jomo Kenyatta and Nelson Mandela arouse the curiosity of young learners. They are inspired to become leaders of tomorrow, enriching them with desired skills and attitude towards governance of our beloved Kenya.

We therefore can’t ignore social studies skill as we all do appreciate that a country without history has no future.

Head of Social Studies Department.

Religious Studies

Christian Religious Education (C.R.E) is a subject that relates to the experiences of the learners and contributes to their wholesome development i.e. Physical, emotional, Social, Spiritual, moral and Cognitive.

As a panel, we work towards assisting the learners to identify their different abilities and gifts which are God given and aid them to develop these potential and abilities to maximum. In addition, C.R.E continues to play a vital role in the upbringing of young people and behavioral control in society, therefore we urge the students to understand the role of Bible play as a source of guidance, Direction and counseling.

Head of Religious Studies Department.


Pupils’ conceptual understanding is developed through the study of four areas or strands: Living things; Materials; Energy and forces; and Environmental awareness and care. Each strand includes several topics called strand units. Teachers are required to complete work from each strand every year and work from each strand unit over every two-year period. The curriculum is often described as having a spiral structure. This refers to the fact that, as pupils progress from class to class, they revisit each topic, developing and refining their understanding. In the strand unit Forces, for example, pupils in the infant classes are enabled to predict whether an object will float or sink on the basis of the material from which it is made.

In first and second class, these pupils learn that the shape of the object is also a factor in floating and sinking. In third and fourth classes, they discover that objects float differently in fresh and salt water. In fifth and sixth classes the pupils begin to understand floating and sinking in terms of gravity and the opposing force exerted by water.

Head of Science Department.


Music acts as a major medium that brings harmony amongst members through activities of joint singing and playing of instruments.

Sunrise Children’s Garden School has a thriving music department. We endeavour to provide meaningful musical experience to all pupils in vocal and instrumental areas. All pupils from class 1 - 8 receive music lessons through a classroom setting. Pupils are involved in various musical activities which include Recorder Groups, Choir, Piano and Guitar.

Sunrise Children’s Garden uses music to develop focus, discipline and creativity in all aspects of musicianship and arts as a whole.

Head of Music Department.


Bonjour a tous ! Avant toute chose Sunrise Children’s Garden School, c’est d’abord l’attachement aux principes du système éducatif kenyan. C’est l’attachement à la qualité reconnue de l'enseignement du français, mais aussi de la volonté ouverte à la réflexion et a la construction d’une identité culturelle et citoyenne.

 La réalité de chaque jour d'un enseignement français dans un milieu anglophone ouvre l’opportunité d'un enseignement soutenu qui donne une place importante à l'enseignement des langues, du plurilinguisme, et de la maitrise indispensable des technologies d'information et de communication.  Nos élèves doivent  apprendre à observer, analyser et se positionner dans des sociétés plus ouvertes, un monde plus rapide  et en évolution perpétuelle. Il faut les y préparer pour leur réussite personnelle mais aussi pour les responsabilités professionnelles, économiques ou politiques qu’ils exerceront bientôt.

 Nous avons de programmes innovateurs et stimulants dans un esprit numérique supportant sensiblement les élèves avec d’expériences et de connaissances significatives dans un environnement pacifique.  Notre passion de l'enseignement du français est de voir beaucoup d’élèves prêts à parler, écrire et lire sans faille.

Enfin, choisir Sunrise Children’s Garden School pour apprendre le français c’est s’enrichir personnellement et culturellement par un lien multiculturel. Notre bonne qualité du français n’a pas de comparable. Nous ne faisons que survoler un bien beau projet qui va inspirer tous qui considèrent notre école comme la fontaine de connaissance. Venir chez nous c’est venir chez les meilleurs pour devenir meilleur.

Comme qui dira : « Qui veut aller loin ménage sa monture. »

Head of French Department.


The ICT department has been instrumental in supporting the teaching and learning process in the school thereby making the heartbeat of ICT function in the school beat with efficiency and strength. This is facilitated by our state of the art ICT facilities; both hardware and software which are updated on a regular basis in order to maintain industry standards and ensure that content delivered is up to date and child friendly. Our ratio of one computer to one child makes sure that every learner gets an equal opportunity to acquire IT skills.

We have level based interactive educational software that reinforces concepts learnt in class as well as tailor made exercises and puzzles on the computer for every level. All these make learning on the computer exciting and stimulating for every child. Apart from the timetabled computer lessons for every class we have carefully organized IT sessions for pupils where they acquire extra hands-on skills in ICT. These lessons do not interfere with the normal scheduling of other lessons and are conducted during normal lessons.

The power of Internet especially in an education concern cannot be over emphasized. We are using this powerful tool to help students realize their full potential through research and child centered activities on the web. This way we believe they will be able to learn and work in this progressive 21st century with ease.

The world keeps evolving and computers too are evolving… what an evolution! Let’s all keep abreast with technology lest we be rendered obsolete!

Head of Computer Department.



Sport plays a large role in school life. All pupils are encouraged to participate in and enjoy learning and playing a wide variety of sports, taking advantage of the unequalled facilities that our 300 acre site offers.

The emphasis is on sport for all. The aim is to develop competitive sportsmen and sportswomen, whilst also making games inclusive for children of all abilities. Every pupil has at least one games session a day, while those in specific squads have additional practices with team coaches.

Pupils also have the option of soccer, skateboard, swimming, scouting, music, Volley and much more.